Home > Artworks > Miguel Villalobos Quirós

Photo of Miguel Villalobos Quirós Costa Rica

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Studies Conducted

- Bachelor of Art Education and Visual Communication, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

- International Art Workshop. Art critic and art crisis, Fundación Teor / ethics. San Jose, Costa Rica.

Group shows

- 2008

- Gateway texture on the body, textile design studio, curated by Herbert Bolaños Efrain Hernandez. School of Visual Arts and Communication, Universidad...

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Studies Conducted

- Bachelor of Art Education and Visual Communication, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

- International Art Workshop. Art critic and art crisis, Fundación Teor / ethics. San Jose, Costa Rica.

Group shows

- 2008

- Gateway texture on the body, textile design studio, curated by Herbert Bolaños Efrain Hernandez. School of Visual Arts and Communication, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.

- Characters Thread, curated by Herbert Bolaños. Arts Building, National University, Heredia, Costa Rica.

- 2007 - Auction of works of art, the Partido Acción Ciudadana, Centro Cultural de Mexico. The Yoses, Costa Rica.

- Opening of the Blue House Gallery, Collective Painting. Project Cyan, Heredia, Costa Rica.

- Week U 2007. Street Theatre and arts facilities. Universidad Nacional, Heredia.

- XI University Festival, Concourse of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.

- 2006

- Production 2005 sculpture, curated by Aquiles Jimenez. Social Sciences Building, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.

Work Experience

- 2008

- MundoLoco Festival, Fringe. Pizote Monte, San Jose, Costa Rica.

- 2006

- Mural Application of the rights of children. Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Childhood and Adolescence. Rotonda dela Hispanidad, San Pedro, Costa Rica.

- Ecological Park Mural Future Landfill Rio Azul. San Jose, Costa Rica. - 2005

- VI National Festival of Arts Hall 2005, Old Jail Intervention de Heredia, Costa Rica.


- Philosophy Students Association, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

Personal - Miguel Hernandez, Heredia, Costa Rica.

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